Mission: Love people!

My goal for this site is to help people. Help people through my story, and the stories of others. Help people through my experiences and setbacks, also through my breakthroughs and victories. 

We all have more in common than we think we do. Most people are hurting in some fashion and although we may think we are alone in our suffering, the truth is, we aren’t. We all have overcome something in our life we didn’t think we would live through, yet, here we are. We all have proud moments, and not so proud moments. We all have regrets and victories. 

It is my mission to help people see the positives in life. 

Help people find gratitude and hope. 

Help people who are suffering and let them know that they don’t have to. 

Help people find their passion/purpose. 

Help people, help people. 

This world is immersed in negativity and I’d like to help shine some light in this dark place. If nothing else, I’d like to be a positive sounding board for people who need to hear it right now. For me, the beach, sun and water makes me happy, hence the beach themed website. I want people to know that regardless of what is going on around them, it’s what’s going on – on the inside that matters. 

God had given us the capability to override the negative patterns and self limiting beliefs with choices. 

The choice to give meaning to experiences. 

The choice to let things go. 

The choice to forgive. 

The choice to learn from our mistakes. 

The choice to love others as He loves us. 

The choice to focus on the positive rather than the negative. 

The choice to choose faith over fear. 

The choice to trust, that regardless of what has happened, is happening, or will happen, either good or bad, that this life is happening for us not to us. 

The choice to help others every chance we get. 

The choice to keep fighting rather than give up. 

The choice to treat our minds and bodies right. 

To choose to select influences in our lives. 

The choice to take responsibility for all the previous choices. 

Finally, the choice to have an attitude of gratitude. 

I have made the mistake too many times of letting society, emotions and my ego make these decisions for me. I have been thinking about this platform for a long time and was scared to even embark on the journey. It just kept pulling on my heart, and I knew in my soul I needed to just do it! My mom recently passed and one of the last things she said to me was to “do what makes you happy.”

 I have been through a lot in my short time on this earth and want people to find healing in my journey. If it’s one person, so be it.  I didn’t have the greatest upbringing, and through that experience have gained some muscle and have found that I genuinely LOVE people. As weird as it may sound, people are my passion.  I understand that we have things we go through in life but, at the end of the day it’s up to us if we are going to use those as a crutch or a catapult. It’s up to YOU!

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